Using the internet is great, you can use sites like Facebook or Twitter to catch up with friends and family, research information and even get a laugh watching cats chase a laser pointer. But there is a dark underbelly of the internet you may not know about, where identity thieves and computer viruses are lurking, ready to ruin your day. Here are a few tips and tricks to make your internet experience as safe as possible:
- Do not share personal information with people you don’t know. If anyone, even someone posing as your aunt Betty asks for anything, get out of there. Aunt Betty can call you on the phone and ask to borrow that money for those water skis.
- Using a computer in a public place. Use common sense! Do not open personal information like web banking unless you really have to, and do not leave anything open while away from the computer. It is safer to have to sign back into the site then having your checking account emptied while you were away from the desk.
- Do not open attachments. Unless you know for sure your Uncle Bob was sending you pictures of your cousins grad, do not open anything.
- Children on the internet are just like children left unattended. Paying attention to what your children are doing on the internet is very important, as they could be subjected to a multitude of things on the web. Set up rules for Internet usage, and make sure everyone knows the consequences for breaking them.
That is all for now, but feel free to drop by our blog to check out more useful tips and tricks at
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